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Certificate for 

Mental Health at Work

Implementation of actions for healthy efficiency


Korzyści z zatrudniania osób neuroróżnorodnych:

Join the group of organizations that work to support Healthy Effectiveness at work!


Participation in the certification program is an implementation of the pillars of healthy efficiency step by step. Activities are clearly planned and structured. After completing each of the stages, we confirm your achievements with an appropriate certificate.


The program supports employers in building a friendly work environment. One in which employees can use their full potential, are effective and motivated, are able to build healthy relationships and derive satisfaction from their professional life.



Bronze certificate

This is a confirmation of the implementation of the basics of the healthy work efficiency program.

Wirtualne spotkanie zespołu

Silver certificate

It confirms the planned and systematic implementation of the pillars of healthy efficiency


Gold certificate

Awarded to organizations that build the program into their organizational culture



Olga Mac

Psycholog, psychoterapeuta
prowadzi szkolenia i webinary


Gabriela Gamrowska

Psycholog diagnosta, biegły sądowy
prowadzi diagnozę oraz nasze webinary


Karolina Lewandowska

Coach, logoterapeuta
prowadzi sesje indywidualne


Małgorzata Michaluk

Coach ADHD
prowadzi sesje indywidualne

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